BeatBox 2(Amiga)

Download BeatBox 2 Demo here (435k)

[Dot] Program - BEATBOX 2
[Dot] Machine - WorkBench 2+
[Dot] Type - Music Creator
[Dot] Author - James L Boyd and Curt Esser
[Dot] Price - �7.00


Music doesn't get any easier!

Ok, what is it then?

It's a music editing system, but with a difference. Instead of wading through a bunch of hex numbers, you can enter your song with an easy to use point and click graphic interface.

[Star] Works on ANY Amiga with WB 2.01 or better
[Star] GFX card compatible
[Star] Many user options
[Star] Use any .iff sound samples (up to 99 per song)
[Star] Online help (through MultiView)
[Star] Online program prefs, including screenmode and font selection
[Star] Easy and fun to use (no musical knowledge necessary)
[Star] Now with supersonic load/save routines
[Star] Example song included

NOTE: This program is for use on an Amiga (or Amiga emulator) ONLY!